Faridabad| When it comes to getting your broken teeth or artificial teeth, dental implants can be an important solution! Natural teeth have two parts, one is the upper part that we see is the crown and the other is the roots which are inside the bone. The dental implant is like a screw in wood, this implant works like the root of the real tooth. Typically, a cap or multipartite bridge is placed in place of natural teeth with the help of titanium or zirconia implants. Dental implants are inserted into the bone with a very small surgery, only part of the tooth is numbed during surgery. This process is similar to a tooth extraction process and takes less time, about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Dental implants are considered to be the most effective treatment for artificial teeth so far. Before implants, bridges or dentures were used in place of broken or fallen teeth, which can be removed.
What is a Dental Implant?
In dental implants where there are no teeth, its root is replaced with a screw which is made of zirconium, small titanium or ceramic screws. It is safely seated in the proper place. After the tooth breaks, the gap between the teeth starts appearing, which affects the ability to chew. The dental implant is a small cylinder (8-10 mm long). It is placed in the jawbone and a cap is placed over it so that you can chew the food just as you used to chew before the tooth breaks
When to get a dental implant?
If one of your teeth is broken, or removed for some reason, then such a condition for a long time can cause the wrong position of the jawbone and teeth. Therefore, it should be treated as soon as possible.
Can all dental implants be placed?
Anyone can get treatment like dental implants, if there is a child, most recommend waiting till the age of 18, after that you can treat him
Dental implants can be beneficial in the following ways:
1. It is almost like natural teeth:The dental implant works just like a natural tooth. All care should be taken in the same way as natural teeth. You should floss and brush properly daily. The better you take care of it, the better your teeth will be. In dental implants, there is no need for a root canal or filling.
2. It won’t affect daily eating patterns:Your dental implant won’t cause any problems when eating different foods. Dental implants can make your speaking, eating, and smiling as normal as you can with natural teeth.
3. Bone loss can be prevented:If the tooth is not replaced quickly after tooth decay, there is a possibility of bone loss. The dental implant stabilizes the jawbone by fusing it to rebuild itself and stay healthy. Tooth bones keep your gums and jaw strong, so you should prevent damage to your tooth bones. Fractures and other oral health issues can be reduced to a great extent.
4. The health of other teeth is not affected:A rotten tooth naturally spoils the armpit tooth as well, so they should be treated as soon as possible. Some dental treatments cause the armpit teeth to rot, weaken the armpits, or cause other problems. However, dental implants do not affect the health of nearby teeth in any way. So, dental implant treatment is a safe method. On the contrary, it prevents the tooth around the tooth from deteriorating.
5: To apply dentures like bridges, the teeth around are rubbed is an irreversible or unalterable process that we do not have to do in the implant, that is, the surrounding teeth are not damaged
6: The cap on the implant does not come out of the mouth like fake jaws (dentures) while eating or talking.
7: The advantage of the implant is that it holds the jawbone in place and does not allow it to shrink over time so that the bone remains the same for a lifetime, while the dentures or bridge need to be replaced again in about 5 to 7 years.
8: The biggest advantage of dental implants – These teeth look and feel exactly like natural teeth. Implants become part of your body over time, as if a fake object isn’t in your mouth. Like natural teeth, you can enjoy any type of soft or hard food you want.
9: Dental implants are not only for one or two teeth whose teeth have fallen out and they want a life-long remedy, then with the help of 7 or 8 implants, all the teeth that are completely stable can also be placed.
What is the time period for dental implants?
If you have a dental implant, a cap or crown is fixed on top of the implant three to four months after surgery when the implant is fully attached to the bone. When implanting the front teeth, dentists often apply a temporary or temporary crown so that your face does not look bad, which is replaced with a permanent crown when the right time comes.
How to take care of dental implants?
Just as our natural teeth need regular care and visits to the dentist, dental implants also need care. If you don’t want dirt or plaque to build up around your implant and teeth, brushing and flossing are the rules. It’s important to see your dentist periodically to make sure your implant, teeth, and gums are healthy.The durability of dental implants is amazing and has a success rate of over 94%. That’s why many people get this treatment. Over time, after dental implants, they become part of your jawbone. After regular proper dentist check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly is essential.
What happens if you don’t have a tooth replacement?
When one of your teeth breaks, not only the gap between the teeth starts to appear, but over time the space between all the other teeth also starts appearing. Apart from this, the jawbone and muscles also become relaxed over time. With age, more and more teeth of the person break, the strength of his muscles decreases, the strength of his bones decreases, so his ability to chew also decreases, so if your teeth break then you will not be able to provide the nutrition that your body needs.
Why should people have their teeth changed?
With increasing age, the elderly start getting more diseases related to teeth. Either their teeth have been destroyed or their teeth have been damaged due to long-term use, decay or periodontitis. As we age, our body’s nutritional demands increase and regular wear and tear in body parts increases. So overall, we need a proper diet as well as a proper ability to chew that food. With increasing age, the need for nutrition in the body increases but the ability to chew decreases. Because with age, those muscles of the face that help in chewing, their teeth start falling more. Teeth breaking and not replacing them for many years can lead to complications such as loss of facial bones and muscles. Over time, the muscles begin to weaken.
Is it safe for elderly people to undergo a dental implant procedure?
Yes, it is absolutely safe. We are doing dental implants for patients up to 90 years of age in our practice. So age is not a criterion unless you have a healthy dense bone in the area you are being implanted.
How do I get a dental implant?
The quality of the bone is evaluated by your implantologist and decided accordingly. Apart from this, some blood tests are also advised, after which your dental implant will be done. You will be given local anesthesia which numbs a confined space for 2-3 hours. Depending on the number of dental implants, it may take a little longer to place the implant in the whole mouth or half of the mouth). This is followed by a few stitches. Basic medications are given for 3 -5 days. The stitches are removed in 48 hours and you can resume your work from the day after the implant is placed.
MDS Endodontics (Gold Medalist)
Certified Implantologist, Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences (RGUHS)Bangalore Karnataka
Member , American Association of Implant Dentistry